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Thursday, February 09, 2012

[csn-web] Urgent Action to Protect Peace Community Legal Representative

Kindly requesting your attention:

***Please accept our apologies for sending this message twice. The email address of Martha Carrillo required a correction but it is now as it should be and will prevent emails from bouncing. Please consider re-sending any emails to her corrected address as she represents the office of the Vice President. Thank you!

 Last Saturday, February 4, 2012, the legal representative for the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, Jesus Emilio Tuberquia, was the victim of an assassination attempt. At 12:15pm near the public market, two paramilitaries on motorcycle shot at him without saying a word. Fortunately, he took off running and he was able to escape with his life. The incident happened only 100 meters from a police checkpoint, by which the attackers passed without being detained.


            This event occurred only one week after a delegation of students with CSN UW-Badgers visited the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó.


            Please write to the following addresses protesting this incident and demanding the investigation of why the paramilitaries continue assassinating under impunity in Urabá where no authority attempts to control them.



Write to:


Commander of the Urabá police
Colonel Leonardo Alberto Mejia: deura.coman@policia.gov.co


Minister of Interiors Head of Human Rights
Maria Paulina Riveros: maria.riveros@mij.gov.co


Vice President's Office of Human Rights

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